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ENCJ Board statement on financial security in the context of judicial independence

In view of the further deterioration of the problem of insufficient (inadequate) judicial remuneration observed in several Members of the ENCJ, the Executive Board adopted the following statement.

Independent judiciary in each Member State is crucial for ensuring the fundamental values of Art. 2 TEU, on which the European Union is founded. Financial security is an important component of judicial independence.

Letter to the European Institutions - Sodni svet - Judicial independence in Slovenia

Results of the 4th ENCJ Survey on the Independence of Judges carried out in 2022 reveal struggles in the realm of cooperation with other state powers. In a State governed by the Rule of Law, all state powers should support each other in carrying out their functions, and all should refrain from interfering with the competence of others. The remuneration of judges is directly linked to judicial independence, therefore close cooperation of all state powers in this realm is vital.


Opinion of the National Judicial Council of Hungary (OBT) on draft legislation

On 31st of January the Hungarian Council for the Judiciary has issued comments and recommendations on the draft legislation proposed by the Ministry of Justice of Hungary.

The Council draws attention to the fact the proposed legislation does not meet the commitments made by the Hungarian Government to the European Union and the declared intentions to strengthen the role and powers of the National Judicial Council of Hungary.

ENCJ Board statement on Judicial Independence in Hungary

The Executive Board of the ENCJ welcomes the milestones set by the European Commission to strengthen Judicial Independence in Hungary. The strengthening of the competences of the Judicial Council of Hungary is necessary for it to safeguard Judicial Independence and will improve the checks and balances in the Judicial system.  A Council for the Judiciary can only fulfill its role if it is independent of the legislature and executive and is attributed with sufficient powers.

ENCJ Board delegation visits Hungary

On 17 and 18 October 2022 an ENCJ Board delegation visited Hungary upon the the invitation of the National Judicial Council (OBT). The visit was to show solidarity and support the members of the OBT in their efforts to uphold the Rule of Law and Judicial Independence in Hungary. At the ceremonial meeting of the OBT the President of the OBT and the ENCJ President delivered a speech.

Judicial Networks met Commissioner Reynders and MEPs

On 7 September 2022, the delegations of four judicial networks: the ENCJ, the Network of Presidents of the Supreme Courts of the EU, the European Judges Association and the Network of Councils of State of the EU met the Commissioner for Justice, Mr Didier Reynders. The delegation also met with the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Katarina Barley and other members of the European Parliament from a various political groups.