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Membership to the ENCJ is open to all national institutions of Member states of the European Union which are independent of the executive and legislature, or which are autonomous, and which ensure the final responsibility for the support of the judiciary in the independent delivery of justice.

The Members :

BELGIUM - Conseil Supérieur de la Justice / Hoge Raad voor de Justitie

Website - Fact sheet

BULGARIA - ВИСШ СЪДΕБΕН СЪΒΕΤ / Supreme Judicial Council

Website - Fact sheet

CROATIA- Državno sudbeno vijeće / State Judicial Council

Website - Fact sheet

CYPRUS - Supreme Judicial Council

Website - Fact sheet

DENMARK- Domstolsstyrelsen

Website - Fact sheet

FINLAND - Tuomioistuinvirasto/ Domstolsverket / National Courts Administration

Website - Fact sheet

FRANCE - Conseil Superieur de la Magistrature

Website - Fact sheet

GREECE -  ΑΝΩΤΑΤΟ ΔΙΚΑΣΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ / Supreme Judicial Council of Civil and Criminal Justice

Website - Fact sheet

GREECE - Ανώτατο Δικαστικό Συμβούλιο Διοικητικής Δικαιοσύνης / Supreme Judicial Council for Administrative Justice

Website - Fact sheet

HUNGARY - Országos Bírói Tanács / National Judicial Council

Website - Fact sheet

IRELAND - The Judicial Council 

Website - Fact sheet

ITALY - Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura

Website - Fact sheet

ITALY - Consiglio di Presidenza della giustizia amministrativa

Website - Fact sheet

LATVIA - Tieslietu padome

Website - Fact sheet

LITHUANIA - Teisėjų Taryba

Website - Fact sheet

LUXEMBOURG - Conseil National de la Justice 

Website - Fact sheet

MALTA - Commission for the Administration of Justice

Website - Factsheet

THE NETHERLANDS - Raad voor de rechspraak

Website - Factsheet

PORTUGAL - Conselho Superior da Magistratura

Website - Fact sheet

ROMANIA- Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii

Website - Fact sheet

SLOVAKIA- Súdna rada Slovenskej republiky

Website - Fact sheet

SLOVENIA- Republika Slovenija Sodni Svet

Website - Fact sheet

SPAIN- Consejo general del Poder Judicial

Website - Fact sheet


By decision of the General Assembly of 10 june 2020 the Councils for the Judiciary from the United Kingdom were granted Observer status

ENGLAND AND WALES - Judges' Council of England and Wales

Website - Fact sheet


Fact sheet

SCOTLAND- Judicial Council

Website - Fact sheet