Quality Management 2010-2011
Quality and Timeliness
The Strategic Plan of the ENCJ states as one of the Strategic Objectives the promotion of best practices in the Justice Sector for Quality Management. The first topic that will be studied within this framework is Quality and Timeliness. The aim is to identify best practices and common standars in the area of timeliness.
To that intent the Project Team sent out a Questionnaire on Timeliness to all ENCJ Members and Observers asking both for statistics on processing time and for information on how each judicial system has addressed the issue of timeliness.
In the ENCJ report on Timeliness an analysis on the various solutions used within the ENCJ for meeting the problem of long processing times is given and a list of recommended actions is included that may be taken to improve timeliness.
Preparatory work - answers to all questionnaires and relevant documentation
ENCJ Members:
HRJ/CSJ Belgium
Domstolsstyrelsen Denmark
OIT Hungary
Courts Service Ireland - Annex
CSM Italy
Tieslietu padome Latvia
Teisejų Taryba Lithuania
Commission for the Administration of Justice Malta
Rvdr Netherlands
KRS Poland
CSM Portugal
CSM Romania
Sudna Rada Slovakia
Sodni Svet Slovenia
CGPJ Spain
Judges Council England & Wales
Judicial Council Scotland
ENCJ Observers:
BMJ Austria
BMJ Germany
Ministerstvo Spravedlnosti Czech Republic
Oikeusministeriö Finland
Domstolsverket Sweden
Domstoladministrasjonen Norway
Ministry of Justice Cyprus