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New Mandate CSM France 2019-2022

CSM France is divided according to French Constitution into three formations. 
One formation has jurisdiction over sitting judges, and is presided by the President of the Cour de cassation who also presides over the Plenary formation. The second formation has juridiction over public prosecutors and is presided by the General Prosecutor of the Cour de cassation.  

ENCJ President speaks at LIBE hearing on the Rule of Law in Poland

On 20th November 2018 the President of the ENCJ, Mr Kees Sterk, was invited to address the LIBE committee of the European Parliament in a public hearing on the Rule of Law in Poland. The hearing had a specific focus on the Independence of the Judiciary. Other speakers included Mr Frans Timmermans, vice-president of the European Commission, a representative of the Venice Commission, the Polish Ombudsman and several academics.

New mandate CSM Italy 2018-2022

Under Italy's Constitution the CSM is the self-government body of the judiciary; it is competent for recruitment, allocation, transfer, promotion, and disciplinary measures in respect of magistrates.

The CSM includes 3 ex officio members - namely, the President of the Republic, who also chairs the CSM, the President of the Court of Cassation, and the Prosecutor General at the Court of Cassation.