ENCJ/CCBE survey among lawyers on the independence of the judiciary
The data of the ENCJ/CCBE survey on the independence of the judiciary among lawyers are now available in a separate report. Just like the survey among judges on their own independence, the survey w
Data of the ENCJ/CCBE survey among lawyers on the independence of judges is now available in a separate report
The data of the ENCJ/CCBE survey on the independence of the judiciary among lawyers are now available in a separate report. Just like the survey among judges on their own independence, the survey w
ENCJ survey among judges, 2019 data now availalbe
The data of the ENCJ survey among judges are now available in a separate report. The survey was held in early 2019 in 25 countries and 11.335 judges participated. The replies are grouped per country.Judges generally evaluate their independence positively. On a 10-point scale judges rate the independence of the judges in their country on average between 6.5 and 9.8.
Judical Networks express concern over the Rule of Law in letter to President-elect Von der Leyen
In a letter dated 20 September 2019, the Presidents of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary, the Network of Presidents of the Supreme Courts of the EU and the European Judges Association expressed their concern over developments in several EU Member States regarding the independence of the judiciary. The Presidents call for an urgent meeting with Mrs von der Leyen.
ENCJ Board calls on the Polish Parliament to publish support lists of KRS members
In a letter dated 8 August the ENCJ Board called upon the Polish Parliament, the Sejm, to make the support lists of the judicial members of the KRS publis as has been ordered by the Supreme Administrative Court of Poland in a recent judgement.
New Mandate CSM Portugal 2019 - 2022
ENCJ adopts Bratislava Manifesto
The ENCJ adopted the Bratislava manifesto on 7 June 2019 in which it makes the following points: