2021 EU Justice Scoreboard published
The European Commission published the 2021 EU Justice Scoreboard on Thursday 08th July.
ENCJ strategy 2022-2025 and project reports adopted
At the General Assembly, organised online on 2 June 2021, the ENCJ adopted the following documents:
ENCJ elects new Board Members
During an online meeting on 2 June 2021 the ENCJ General Assembly elected 3 new Board members:
- Ανώτατο Δικαστικό Συμβούλιο Διοικητικής Δικαιοσύνης/ Supreme Judicial Council for Administrative Justice of Greece
- Teisėjų Taryba of Lithuania
- Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii of Romania
They will join the remaining members of the Board
Report on the economic value of the judiciary published
The legal system and the judiciary that applies and enforces it have a wide-ranging impact on economic behaviour and thereby on the performance of the economy of
nations, as the economic literature shows. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms and the extent of these effects.
ENCJ contributes to the 2021 EU Rule of Law report
The European Commission has invited the ENCJ to contribute to the European Commission Rule of Law report. This project is meant to provide an annual assessment of both positive and negative significant developments concerning the Rule of Law in EU Member States. The reference period for the 2021 report is 2020. .
ENCJ Board statement on the situation in Turkey
On 8 December 2016 the ENCJ General Assembly suspended the observer status of the High Council for Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey as it no longer complied with the ENCJ Statutes and was no longer an institution which is independent of the executive and legislature ensuring the final responsibility for the support of the judiciary in the independent delivery of justice.
ENCJ Board sends letter to European Commission abour Rule of Law concerns in Hungary
- Read more about ENCJ Board sends letter to European Commission abour Rule of Law concerns in Hungary
On 27 October 2020 the ENCJ Board sent a letter to the European Commission in which it calls upon the Commisison to act in the case of the recent appointment of the President of the Supreme Court (Kuria) of Hungary. Click to go to letter
The Judicial Council of Lithuania expresses its support for the independence of Polish courts
Being part of the European Union’s judicial area, the judiciary of the Republic of Lithuania cannot stay on the outside reacting to the threatened independence of the judiciary of the Republic of Poland. Lack of such independence has already affected the mutual trust of courts of Poland and other European Union Member States.
2020 EU Justice Scoreboard and perceptions of judicial independence
On 10 July 2020, the European Commission published the 2020 EU Justice Scoreboard - a comparative overview of the efficiency, quality and independence of justice systems in all EU Member States.
ENCJ Web conference 11 June 2020 - The Rule of Law: protection is now urgent
On11 June 2020 the ENCJ organised a webconference with the title " The Rule of Law: protection is now urgent. European Commissioner for Justice and Consumers Protention Mr Didier Reynders and Mr Michal Simecka, Member of the EU Parliament for Renew Europe group - addressed the attendees. It was also the the day that the mandate of Mr Kees Sterk as President of the ENCJ expired. He addressed the ENCJ Members, Observers and guests for a last time.
This is the link to the recording on You Tube.
And for the written speeches: