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External validation conference Utrecht 12-13 April 2018

On 12 and 13 April the ENCJ organised a scientific conference within the framework of the ENCJ project on Independence and Accountability. The aim of the seminar was firstly to discuss the methodology used to measure the independence and accountability of justice systems, to suggest possible improvements or alternatives, and to discuss the best way to validate the outcomes of this study.

Workshop with ENCJ partners on Independence and Accountability

On 14 March the ENCJ organised a worshop with representatives of the European Commission, Council of Europe, CCJE, Worldbank, CCBE and the network of Supreme Court Presidents of the EU.

The aim of the workshop was to discuss the ENCJ Independence and Accountability project, the methododology developed and the outcomes in general. Each of the organsiations that attended brought their own expertise to the table.

ENCJ President receives medal from the Polish National Council for the Judiciary

On the 28th of September the Polish Judiciary celebrated 100 years of Independent Judiciary. In a special ceremony Ms Nuria Díaz Abad, President of the ENCJ, was awarded a medal of the National Council of the Judicial of Poland “ Meritorious for Justice – Bene Merentibus Iustitiae” for her work on behalf of the ENCJ promoting and defending an independent and accountable judiciary for the benefit of all in Poland and elsewhere in Europe. The President of the CCJE, Mr Nils Engstad, was awarded the same medal. 

Statement by the Executive Board of the ENCJ on Poland - 17 July 2017

The Executive Board of the ENCJ is greatly dismayed to learn that both the lower and the upper house of the Polish Parliament last week approved two reforms which have been the subject of trenchant criticism over the past year. Furthermore, also last week a draft law was introduced in Parliament  that affects the composition of the Supreme Court.
The first law which has been approved is the reform of the Polish Judges’ Council.

ENCJ adopts Paris Declaration on resilient justice

The ENCJ gathered from 7th to 9th June in the Cour de Cassation in Paris for its General Assembly. The central theme of resilient justice was discussed and the Paris declaration was adopted. In it the ENCJ calls upon the European Institutions and Member States to guarantee judicial independence in accordance with the Rule of Law, and, furthermore, calls upon Councils for the Judiciary and Judges at all times to be resilient in the face of the challenges which face them.