Statement of ENCJ Board to support the judges of Poland
Statement by the Executive Board of the ENCJ on the situation in Poland
The Executive Board of the ENCJ offers its wholehearted support for the judges in Poland in these difficult times.
ENCJ Board delegation visits Poland
On 21st June an ENCJ delegation consisting of the President Kees Sterk, Executive Board members Nerijus Meilutis and Luca Forteleoni and the director of the ENCJ Office, Monique van der Goes, visited Warsaw for a meeting with the Polish National Judicial Council, the KRS.
ENCJ General Assembly approves project team reports
At the General Assembly in Lisbon, the ENCJ approved the reports that were prepared by the various project teams. The reports can be found on the relevant pages in the section topics and projects.
ENCJ plans visit to the National Judicial Council of Hungary
By letter of 5th June 2018 the ENCJ President accepted the invitation for a courtesy visit of the Hungarian National Judicial Council (OBT) due to take place on 10 July 2018.
ENCJ adopts Lisbon Declaration on Positive Change
The General Assembly of the ENCJ adopted the Lisbon Declaration on Leading Positive Change. The declaration states that Councils for the Judiciary should initiate and lead a process of positive change and focuses on two aspects: the internal aspect in the sense of the engagement of stakeholders and in t he external sense of the judiciary's relationship with other state posers and strengtening the role of the judiciary within the State.
The Declaration also contains paragraphs that deal with the situation in Poland and Turkey.
ENCJ Award for Positive Change
At the first ever organized ENCJ market in Lisbon on 1 June 2018, nine Members and Observers of the ENCJ presented their best idea which has been succesful and has led to positive change.
ENCJ elects new President and 4 Board members in Lisbon
On the 30th May 2018 the ENCJ Members gathered in Lisbon to elect a new President and 4 new Board Members.
Mr. Kees Sterk, member of the Netherlands Council for the Judiciary, was elected to succeed Ms Nuria Díaz Abad as President of the ENCJ. His mandate will start on 1 June 2018 and last two years.
External validation conference Utrecht 12-13 April 2018
On 12 and 13 April the ENCJ organised a scientific conference within the framework of the ENCJ project on Independence and Accountability. The aim of the seminar was firstly to discuss the methodology used to measure the independence and accountability of justice systems, to suggest possible improvements or alternatives, and to discuss the best way to validate the outcomes of this study.
Workshop with ENCJ partners on Independence and Accountability
On 14 March the ENCJ organised a worshop with representatives of the European Commission, Council of Europe, CCJE, Worldbank, CCBE and the network of Supreme Court Presidents of the EU.
The aim of the workshop was to discuss the ENCJ Independence and Accountability project, the methododology developed and the outcomes in general. Each of the organsiations that attended brought their own expertise to the table.