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At the ENCJ General Assembly 2024 in Rome, following a previous information provided by the Council for the Judiciary of Hungary (OBT) in January 2024, the OBT President took the opportunity to inform the ENCJ Members on the situation of judicial remuneration in Hungary.

The ENCJ Executive Board observes with great concern that challenges to judicial independence in Europe persists. The current situation in Hungary reveals that the earlier salary increases of judges and prosecutors have been adversely affected by high inflation. Consequently, the financial situation of judges and of court staff has deteriorated significantly in the last number of years.

The Executive Board takes into consideration the efforts of the OBT Hungary as well as other judicial organizations in Hungary to draw attention to this issue and to resolve it via various means, including legislative proposals.

The ENCJ Executive Board therefore calls upon all relevant actors, including other state powers, to take the steps necessary to resolve the situation.