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European Commission sets out the future of EU Justice policy and framework for safeguarding Rule of Law

The European Commission published two communications on 11 March 2014. The first communication sets out the vision of the Commission for the future EU Justice policy which aims at further progressing towards a fully functioning common European area of justice based on trust, mobility and growth by 2020.

COM (2014) 144: EU Justice Agenda for 2020 - Strengthening Trust, Mobility and Growth within the Union

Teresa Flemming-Kulesza appointed President of the Supreme Court of Poland

Judge Teresa Flemming-Kulesza, member of the ENCJ Executive Board between 2008-2010 and former member of the National Council of the Judiciary (2002 -2010) was appointed to the position of President of the Supreme Court on 21 January 2014. She will be heading the Labour Law, Social Security and Public Affairs Chambe of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has a total of four Chambres and therefore four Presidents.

Eurobarometer on Justice and report on Judicial Training published

The European Commission recently published two reports in the field of Justice.

The Eurobarometer on Justice in Europe is a survey that seeks to understand citizens’ perceptions of justice within their own countries and the EU as a whole. The survey focuses on the functioning of courts in civil, commercial, administrative and in criminal cases.

"Judging Europe's Judges"

A book has recently been published called 'Judging Europe's Judges'  The book aims to study the impact of recent developments such as EU enlargement and the Lisbon Treaty on the ECJ and to examine the legitimacy of the Court's output in this novel context. The book also provides a systemic appraisal of its overall performance. Full details about the book can be found here.  

ENCJ advises the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Upon the request of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of Bosina and Herzegovina the ENCJ rendered an advice on proposed legislation that aims to alter the way that prosecutors are appointed. The President of the ENCJ appointed Justice Geoffrey Vos (on behalf of the Judges'Council of England and Wales) and Judge Gianluca Forlani (on behalf of the CSM Italy) to prepare the report. The report was approved by the Steering Committee and presented to the President of the HJPC Milorad Novkovic. 

ENCJ General Assembly 5-7 June Sofia

The ENCJ General Assembly meets from 5-7 June. The meeting is hosted by the Supreme Judicial Council of Bulgaria. The central theme of the meeting is: "Independence and Accountability of the Justice System". The ENCJ is taking stock of the current developments in the justice systems in Europe as regards the accountability of the members of the judiciary, the independence and accountability of Councils for the Judiciary and the role of Councils for the Judiciary in dealing with the challnges in this field. The European Commission will address the General Assembly on the the same theme.