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The European Commission invited the ENCJ to contribute to the European Commission Rule of Law report 2025.

ENCJ's contribution (for the ENCJ contribution, click here) is, amongst other sources, based on the information collected from ENCJ Members, Statements of the ENCJ General Assembly and the Executive Board, actions, and letters. In the meantime, the ENCJ Office received an updated contribution to the Rule of law report from CSM Italy (click here). 

The contribution draws attention to threats to judicial independence and the Rule of Law observed in a number of countries. 

In this realm findings from the country visit to Hungary are briefly described and continued support for an independent judiciary is affirmed. It is followed by an overview of the core horizontal developments among Councils for the Judiciary: positive development was assessed in Spain, while negative developments were witnessed in Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Attention is drawn to delay in renewal of the Council for the Judiciary in Bulgaria.

Further, the work done in the ENCJ Project group on Independence, Accountability and Quality of the Judiciary is briefly presented, together with the Declaration of Rome 2024 adopted at the twentieth ENCJ General Assembly.  The Declaration of Rome 2024, focuses on access to justice with particular attention to vulnerable groups of litigants, the digitalisation of justice, and the role of Councils for the Judiciary in these areas.