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ENCJ General Assembly, Rome, 12-14 June 2024



List of participants

Practical information

Declaration of Rome 

Non-official pictures


Documents for the General Assembly

Programme ENCJ Members

Programme ENCJ Observers and guests

Report of the ENCJ Project on Independence, Accountability and Quality for the Judiciary 2023/2024

Report Thematic dialogue group Attractiveness of the Judicial Profession



General Assembly opening speech, Ms. Dalia Vasariene, ENCJ President

Ms. Nuria Diaz Abad, former ENCJ President: Ten years of the ENCJ


Powerpoint presentations

I&A part

Quality part 

Digital Justice Forum 

Thematic dialogue group on the Attractiveness of Judicial Career

Mr. Ugo Pagallo, Professor of Philosophy of Law and Legal Informatics, University of
Turin: Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice

Ms. Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche, Professor of Law, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3: Access to Justice for vulnerable people


Award for positive change

HJPC Bosnia and Herzegovina

Judicial Council of England and Wales

CSM France

Rvdr Netherlands




Functioning of the Association

ENCJ Activity Report 2023-2024

ENCJ Work Plan 2024-2025

ENCJ General Assembly, Ljubljana, 7-9 June 2023

Logo ENCJ GA 2023


List of participants


Documents adopted at the General Assembly

Finances of the Association
Profit and loss accounts 2022
Budget 2023
Membership fee 2024

Functioning of the Association

Activity report 2022-2023

ENCJ work-plan 2023-2024

Other documents 

Powerpoint presentations:

ENCJ Award for Positive Change Powerpoint presentations:

Documents for the General Assembly 


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