During its meeting in Athens on 1 June the ENCJ General Assembly decided to renew the mandate of Filippo Donati as President till 30 November 2022. The General Assembly also elected Dalia Vasarienė to succeed Filippo Donati as of 1 December 2022. (mandate December 2022- June 2024). Filippo Donati is a non-judicial member of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura of Italy. Dalia Vasarienė is a judicial member of the Judicial Council of Lithuania elected by her peers.
In addition 4 new Board members were elected:
Conseil Superieur de la Justice / Hoge Raad voor de Justitie Belgium
Sudna Rada Slovakia
Raad voor de rechtspraak of the Netherlands
Sodni Svet of Slovenia
They will join the remaining members of the Board (SJC AJ Greece, TT Lithuania and CSM Romania). Once Dalia Vasariene succeeds Filippo Donati the CSM of Italy will take the place in the Board of TT Lithuania -mandate December 2022 - June 2024).
The French and Portuguese CSM ended their mandate as Board members.