During an online meeting on 10 June 2020 the ENCJ General Assembly elected Filippo Donati as the new President (mandate June 2020- June 2022). Filippo Donati is a non-judicial member of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura of Italy. He is a full professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Florence.
In addition 4 new Board members were elected:
- Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature of France
- Raad voor de rechtspraak of the Netherlands
- Conselho Superior da Magistratura of Portugal
- Sodni Svet of Slovenia
They will join the remaining members of the Board
- Domstolssyrelsen Denmark
- Országos Bírói Tanács
- Court Service Ireland
The Belgian, Italian, Spanish and Lithuanian Councils for the Judiciary ended their mandate as Board members.