On 11 April 2016 the European Commission presented the 2016 EU Justice Scoreboard. As in in previous years the ENCJ collaborated with the Commission on some parts of the Scoreboard. In addition to the scoreboard two Flash Eurobarometers were published. Number 435 deals with perceived independence of national courts in the EU Member States by the general public. Number 436 deals with the perception of judicial independence by companies.
The data used in paragraph 3.3.2 of the scoreboard on structural independence were collected through an updated questionnaire drawn up by the European Commission in close association with the ENCJ. Responses from Member States without Councils for theJudiciary were obtained through cooperation with the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the EU. Other data used in this section of the scoreboard are taken from the ENCJ Guide.
Responses to the questionnaire per country that were collected through the ENCJ