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European Commission publishes report on European Judicial Training

In its Communication “Building trust in EU-wide justice. A new dimension to European judicial training", the European Commission set the goal of ensuring that half of all legal practitioners in the EU (around 700,000) are trained in EU law or the national law of another Member State by 2020. In 2012 the European Commission carried out the first reporting on European judicial training.

New EU and ECHR law blog

European Courts is an EU and ECHR law blog. Its general objective is a better understanding of EU and human rights law. This blog also aims at bridging the gap between the law in the books and the law in action. It is a platform of exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of European law between judges, prosecutors, lawyers and legal academics.

To go to the blog follow this link

European Patent Office offers internship for national judges

The European Patent Office offers a limited number of internship places for national judges of the EPC contracting states at the EPO Boards of Appeal. The programme is organised by the European Patent Academy, whose objectives include the promotion of equal access to training opportunities related to international and European patent law and practice in all current and future EPC contracting states, and the Boards of Appeal.

Newly elected and appointed Judicial Council Slovakia

The newly elected and appointed members of the Judicial Council of Slovakia held their meeting mid-October 2012. The Council is composed as follows:
1. Štefan Harabin
Members elected by judges in June 2012:
2. Ján Vanko, 3. Jana Bajánková, 4. Imrich Volkai, 5. Milan Ďurica, 6. Peter Straka, 7. Rudolf Čirč, 8. Dana Bystrianska, 9. Igor Burger
Members elected by the National Council of the Slovak Repulic (parliament) in May/June 2012:
10. Dušan Čimo, 11. Jozef Maruščák, 12. Alena Šišková

New Members for the Belgian and Bulgarian Councils

new_bulgarian_council_2012The new Bulgarian Supreme Judicial Council (picture) met for the first time on 3 October 2012. Ms Sonya Naidenova, formerly a judge in Sofia City Court, and elected by Parliament, was elected the Council’s representative and primary spokesperson. The 22 members are elected by their peers (11) or appointend by the National Assembly (11 from judges, prosecutors, law professors etc).