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ENCJ amended its Statutes in 2014. The Steering Committee no longer exists and the Executive Board has been extended from 4 to 8 members. The Executive Board now consists of the President and 7 Member Institutions elected by the General Assembly. Each year half of the members are being replaced.

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The Board is responsible for:

  • the implementation of the Association’s programme of activities,
  • ensuring the proper functioning of the Permanent Office
  • calling and preparing ordinary or special meetings of the General Assembly
  • proposing statements and policy positions to the General Assembly 
  • undertaking all legal formalities and publicity in respect of appointments and the annual financial statements and
  • submitting an annual report of its activities to the General Assembly.


After the elections held on 12 June 2024 the Board is composed as follows: 

  1. President: Madeleine Mathieu (until June 2026) 
  2. Tieslietu padome, Latvia (until 2025)
  3. Conseil Superieur de la Justice / Hoge Raad voor de Justitie Belgium (until June 2026)
  4. Ανώτατο Δικαστικό Συμβούλιο Διοικητικής Δικαιοσύνης/ Supreme Judicial Council for Administrative Justice of Greece (until June 2026)
  5. Judicial Council, Ireland (until June 2026)
  6. Teisėjų Taryba of Lithuania (until June 2026)
  7. Conselho Superior da Magistratura, Portugal (until June 2026)
  8. Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii of Romania (until June 2026)


After the elections held on 1 June 2022 the Board is composed as follows: 

  1. President: Dalia Vasariene (until June 2024) 
  2. Ανώτατο Δικαστικό Συμβούλιο Διοικητικής Δικαιοσύνης/ Supreme Judicial Council for Administrative Justice of Greece (until June 2023)
  3. Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii of Romania (until June 2023)
  4. Conseil Superieur de la Justice / Hoge Raad voor de Justitie Belgium (until June 2024)
  5. Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, (untill June 2024)
  6. Raad voor de rechtspraak, Netherlands (until June 2024)
  7. Sudna Rada, Slovakia (until June 2024)
  8. Sodni Svet, Slovenia (until June 2024)

After the elections held on 2 June 2021 the Board is composed as follows: 

  1. President: Filippo Donati (until June 2022) 
  2. Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature, France (until June 2022)
  3. Raad voor de rechtspraak, Netherlands (until June 2022)
  4. Conselho Superior da Magistratura, Portugal (until June 2022)
  5. Sodni Svet, Slovenia (until June 2022)
  6. Ανώτατο Δικαστικό Συμβούλιο Διοικητικής Δικαιοσύνης/ Supreme Judicial Council for Administrative Justice of Greece (until June 2023)
  7. Teisėjų Taryba of Lithuania (until June 2023)
  8. Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii of Romania (until June 2023)


After the elections held on 10 June 2020 the Board was composed as follows: 

  1. President: Filippo Donati (until June 2022) 
  2. Domstolsstyrelsen, Denmark (until June 2021)
  3. Országos Bírói Tanács, Hungary (until June 2021)
  4. Courts' Service, Ireland (until June 2021)
  5. Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature, France (until June 2022)
  6. Raad voor de rechtspraak, Netherlands (until June 2022)
  7. Conselho Superior da Magistratura, Portugal (until June 2022)
  8. Sodni Svet, Slovenia (until June 2022)


President: Nuria Diaz Abad (untill June 2018)
Conseil Supérieur de la Justice, France (untill June 2017)
Courts Service, Ireland (untill June 2017)
Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Italy (untill June 2017)
Raad voor de rechtspraak, the Netherlands (untill June 2018)
Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, Romaina (untill June 2018)
Sodni Svet, Slovenia (untill June 2018)
Judicial Council, Scotland (untill June 2018)

After the elections held in Bratislava on 5th June 2019 the Board was composed as follows: 

  1. President: Kees Sterk (until June 2020)
  2. Conseil Supérieur de la Justice, Belgium (until June 2020)
  3. Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Italy (until June 2020)
  4. Teisėjų Taryba, Lithuania (until June 2020)
  5. Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Spain (until June 2020)
  6. Domstolsstyrelsen, Denmark (until June 2021)
  7. Országos Bírói Tanács, Hungary (until June 2021)
  8. Courts' Service, Ireland (Until June 2021)


After the elections held in Lisbon on 30 th May 2018 the Board was composed as follows:

  1. President: Kees Sterk (until June 2020)
  2. Državno sudbeno vijeće / State Judicial Council, Croatia (until June 2019)
  3. Conselho Superior da Magistratura, Portugal (until June 2019)
  4. Judges´Council of England and Wales (until June 2019)
  5. Conseil Supéreiur de la Justice, Belgium (until June 2020)
  6. Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Italy (until June 2020)
  7. Teisėjų Taryba, Lithuania (until June 2020)
  8. Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Spain (until June 2020)

After the elections in Paris on 7th June 2017 the Board was composed as follows:

  1. President: Nuria Diaz Abad (until June 2018)
  2. Raad voor de rechtspraak, the Netherlands (until June 2018)
  3. Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, Romaina (until June 2018)
  4. Sodni Svet, Slovenia (until June 2018)
  5. Judicial Council, Scotland (until June 2018)
  6. Državno sudbeno vijeće / State Judicial Council, Croatia (until June 2019)
  7. Conselho Superior da Magistratura, Portugal (until June 2019)
  8. Judges´Council of England and Wales (until June 2019)

Former Executive Boards under the old regime.

The Executive Board with a mandate from May 2012 to May 2014 was composed of:

  •  Mr. Paul Gilligan from 1 January 2013 (Mr. Miguel Carmona Ruano, till  31 December 2012)
  • Ms. Ria Mortier from 15 Fenruary 2013, HRJ/CSJ Belgium (Mr. Geert Vervaeke till 31 December 2012)
  • Mr. Paolo Corder, CSM Italy
  • Mr. Nicolae Horatius Dumbrava, CSM Romania

 The Executive Board with a mandate from June 2010 to May 2012 was composed of:

  • Mr. Miguel Carmona Ruano, President (succeeded Lord Justice John Thomas as of 1 January 2011)
  • Mr Judge Nicolae Horatius Dumbrava, CSM Romania (succeeded Justice Gracieuse Lacoste as of 11 February 2011)
  • Mr Justice Paul Gilligan, Courts Service Ireland
  • Prof. Dr. Geert Vervaeke, HRJ/CSJ Belgium

From May 2008-June 2010 the Executive Board was composed as follows

  • Lord Justice John Thomas, President
  • Mrs Justice Teresa Flemming-Kulesza, KRS Poland
  • Mrs Justice Gracieuse Lacoste, CSM France
  • Mr Justice Miguel Ruano Carmona, CGPJ Spain